
University May Limit Parking of Scooters In Plympton St. Lot

Cycle and scooter lovers around the College may have to find a new residence for their vehicles if noise-beleaguered and irate Lowell House members have their way.

The Master, at their weekly meeting last Wednesday, recommended that the Administration close the Plympton St. parking lot for all cycles and scooters between 11 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. every day. Elliott Perkins '23, Master of Lowell House, said that the recommendation is on the agenda of today's Administrative Board meeting.

The Master's action was spurred by a petition posted in the Lowell House dining room a few weeks ago, requesting that another parking lot be found for the sixty-odd motorcycles and motor scooters occupying spaces off Plympton, a few feet from Lowell's walls. The author of the petition, Stephen E. Schwarts '63 of Lowell's L Entry, said that "if a new area cannot be found, we would at least like restrictions on the times of day when engines can be started and run in the lot."

The petition gained 170 signatures in a few hours, with Perkins' name leading the list. The Master commented that "no group is entitled to disturb a large segment of the community, for pleasure or for profit.
