
Baseball Team Tries To Lengthen Streak In Brandeis Game

It could be that the varsity baseball team is starting to jell.

After getting some good pitching and a few lucky breaks in beating Holy Cross and M.I.T. last weekend, the Crimson will try to stretch its winning streak to three when it meets Brandels at the Judges' field today.

A victory would bring the Crimson back to the .500 mark with a 9-9 record, and also give it second place in the Greater Boston League with a 4-2 record.

The starter against Brandeis will probably be Dick Garibaldi, a sophomore right hander who opened the season as the team's top pitcher. Garibaldi has not been able to find the plate too consistently, but Shepard is hoping the warm weather will help his control.

The season has been a puzzling one for coach Norm Shepard. At the beginning of the year the Crimson seemed to be strong in pitchers, but not much better in hitting than last year's team, which posted an anemic .206 team batting average.


Just when the hitters began to come through, after spring training, the pitching blew sky high. Wildness was the mound staff's main problem, and that added to a few defensive lapses cancelled out the team's rejuvenated hitting power.

But in the last three games the Crimson pitching seems to have righted itself. If Garibaldi can regain his early-season form today, and the hitters keep it up, the Crimson will be trouble for the rest of the season.
