
Howe Lauds Pete Seeger Decision, Cancels Introductory Talk on HUAC

Mark DeWolfe Howe '28, professor of Law, said last night that the Pete Seeger concert on May 18 will be "a symbolic occasion for the University," but announced that he has cancelled his special introductory speech on the First Amendment and the House Un-American Activities Committee.

The University had originally banned the concert because Seeger's contempt of Congress case is still pending in court. President Pusey relented last week, after receiving assurances that there would be no political introduction to the concert. Howe said that since the Seeger appearance was to be a purely musical evening, there would be no need for his speech.

Expressing pleasure and satisfaction that Seeger was finally coming, Howe asserted that the University had made "a tremendous mistake in imposing the restrictions in the first place."

"It is important that Harvard allow Seeger to come and show his gifts," Howe maintained. He praised the efforts of students behind the concert.

In addition to forbidding a political introduction, Pusey also insisted that there be no discussion of Seeger's case during the evening; but Roger M. Leed '61, chairman of the Student Council Forum Committee sponsoring the concert, asserted that this restriction will not hinder the concert's success.


General opinion in Cambridge is that Seeger himself will very easily get around the restrictions set down by President Pusey. The folk-singer has became famous for the controversial political content of his songs.
