
Widener Will Employ New Faculty Aides

The program of Faculty Aides will be extended to include Widener library next year, Gordon Buchanan. Administrative Assistant, announced recently. The library will employ six to twelve students in various phases of library work for the length of the academic year.

Although Buchanan admitted that "a lot of it will be dirty work" and routine tasks, he stated that the job would entall "a good deal more than just clerical work" and that it would have some "intellectual content."

"We are especially interested in finding undergraduates who plan to go on to graduate study," he said. "This is an excellent opportunity for such people to learn a little for what the library is all about--a little of its complexity, and of its scale."

Buchanan noted that the students are not being employed merely to help the library keep abreast of the work load at Widener.
