

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Last week two Harvard professors, Oscar Handlin and H. Stuart Hughes were kind enough to come to Brandeis as guests of the university and express their views on two explosive issues: the Elchmann case (Handlin), and American policy on Cuba (Hughes).

Several members of the faculty and student body apparently felt themselves free from the restrictions of ordinary politeness and even civility. One Brandeis professor suggested that since Handlin seemed incapable of hate, he might well be incapable of love; another rose to announce that Elchmann was going broke, and perhaps the hat ought to be passed--to Handlin first, of course. When Hughes stated at the con of the ing that he had previous obligations and could not spend the rest of the evening at Brandeis, he was harassed and booed, and told by the angry audience that he really had no interest in the problem at all.

For the gross reception given by Brandeis to Harvard, we are very sorry indeed. R. Freeman,   F. Menson.
