


The Rugby Club Saturday concluded its most successful season in several years. While the first fifteen ended with a respectable 4-2-1 record, the Club as a whole managed to field two complete teams with two separate schedules, upset highly-touted Princeton, outdraw the baseball team, and whip the Cricket Club at cricket.

Rugby at Harvard has been on the upswing in recent years, but this season faced a rebuilding task in more ways than one. It had to play a spring season without benefit of a vacation training trip, forbidden by the Faculty Committee on Athletics because of alleged misconduct last year in Bermuda.

By season's end, the Club had built a nucleus of players and experience. Of 35 men, only three will leave the University in June, and all the rest, including newcomers this spring will have had considerable game and practice experience.

Adding to last fall's 4-2 record, this spring the first fifteen defeated Cornell, Princeton, Wesleyan, and the Boston Rugby Club. It lost by one try or less to Yale and Brown, and tied M.I.T.

In a double-header attraction last weekend, the club's Commonwealth members trounced the Cricket Club, 98 wickets to 45 wickets. Tony Davies batted in 29 runs before being stopped, as the Rugby Club's more rugged style seemed to pay rich dividends against the gentler cricket players.


The Club's spring turnout was large enough to permit the second fifteen to play as full a schedule as the first. (In rugby, no substitutes are allowed, so fifteen players comprise a complete team.) The second unit defeated the New York Rugby Club, tied Yale, and lost to Dartmouth, Princeton, and Columbia.

The team has already mapped a tentative schedule for a proposed Christmas trip to England and France. It lists two games In London, one at Oxford, one at Kent, and a wind-up contest against the Racing Club of Paris.

The University forbids active solicitation of funds, so the Club hopes to finance the European swing by some combination of "unsolicited donations," a national fund for Anglo-American sports participation, and personal outlays.

Officers for next year are: President, A. David McGugan, Research Fellow at the Medical School; Captain, John P. D. van-Schalkwyk '63; Secretary, Lee A. Freeman '62; and Treasurer, R. Keith Julian '64.

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