
Head of European Community To Spend Day at University

Walter Hallstein concludes his two-day visit to the University with conferences at the Law School this morning and a seminar this afternoon with the fellows of the Center for International Affairs, which sponsored his visit.

After arriving yesterday afternoon, Hallstein held a press conference at the Faculty Club, had dinner with students at Dunster House, and delivered an address at the House. The head of the European Community told the press that he was "extremely satisfied" with his talks last week with President Kennedy and other Administration officials--including Chester Bowles, McGeorge Bundy, Walter Heller, Luther Hodges, Douglas Dillon, Orville Freeman, and Sen. J. William Fulbright.

He said that he was assured of strong United States support of the Common Market. He later termed as "unfounded" complaints that the U.S. economy might be hurt by European unity and added that United States exports to Europe continue to increase even after the institution of the six-nation economic pact.


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