
Nothing Very Interesting Takes Place at University

Nothing worth noting happened in the University yesterday. Or the day before, for that matter.

Nothing of interest was reported from the College, the Business School, the Law School, the Education School, the Divinity School, the Medical School, the Dental School, the Design School, the School of Public Health, the School of Public Administration, or the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

For a moment, it seemed that the day's first news story might develop at Radcliffe, when Elvira R. Squirm '63 ran down the hall of her dormitory screaming, "Help! There's a man in my bed!" But it was a false alarm; Miss Squirm, whose eyes were watering from swallowing too much Listerine, had walked into someone else's room.

Some Studied; Some Didn't

Some people studied; some didn't. Some played tennis; some didn't. Bartley J. Crum '64 slept all day.


Elsewhere, things proceeded apace. Howard J. Phillips '62 didn't attack anybody, and no one attacked him. The new Health Center remained 15 days behind schedule. Dean Monro reported that Peace Corps plans were "beginning to jell."

Meanwhile, it was announced that Homer J. Fonque '62, of Eliot House and Chicken Springs, Wyo., has been awarded the Hi Flung Hooey Memorial Prize for the best essay written during the year in the back room of a Chinese laundry. The prize is the income from two shares of Planters Peanuts common stock.

The Sparse Grey Hackle Award, for the best essay telling in 25 words or less "Why I Like Halvah," was not given this year. It was awarded last in 1825.

That's the kind of day it was.

Commented President Pusey, "No comment."
