
Six Students Receive Fellowships, Prizes

Three undergraduates, two graduate students, and a Radcliffe senior have recently won several prizes, scholarships, and fellowships. The Radcliffe student, Jo Anne Warren '61, of Greycroft House and Lubbock, Texas, has received a Gordon Traveling Fellowship.

Miss Warren will use her $3000 stipend to investigate "the relationship between political structure and national character," in several European countries as well as Ghana. A concentrator in Philosophy and Social Relations, she was also vice-President of the Radcliffe SGA.

* *Ford Motor Company Fund grants of $1000 each have been awarded to Robert G. Anderson '61-3, of Winthrop House and Minneapolis, Minn., and John R. Williams '63, of Quincy House and Fargo, N.D.

* *The David Taggart Clark Prize--$65 for the student making the Latin oration at commencement--will go to H. Phelps Gates, Jr. '61.

* *The Robert Fletcher Rogers Prize--for the best paper presented before the Mathematical Club--will be divided, first prize going to Thomas A. Brown 4G and second to John P. Labute 1G.


* *The Lloyd McKim Garrison Prise and the Roger Conant Hatch Prizes for Lyric Poetry will not be awarded this year.
