
Crimson Tennis Team Threatens to Sweep Regional Tourney

With dual match victories this season over all the chief contenders, the varsity tennis team will be favored to win the team championship at the New England Intercollegiate Tennis Tournament, starting today at Amherst.

Number one man Bob Bowditch, unbeaten against New England competition, heads the Crimson delegation and will be favored to take the singles championship he won as a sophomore two years ago. Last year at New Haven, Bowditch went to the semi-finals before losing to Yale's Donald Dell.

Bowditch's principal rivals for the singles title will be men he has already beaten this year--Williams' Clyde Buck. Dartmouth's Ron Picket, Yale's Ralph Howe. Other possibilities are Peyton Howard of Brown. Yale's Bob Hetherington, and the Crimson's own Paul Sullivan, who played some of his best tennis of the year in defeating Hetherington in the Harvard-Yale match Wednesday.

Gary Adelman and Dave Moore will also enter the singles for the Crimson.

In the doubles, Harvard will also have the likely favorite, the pair of Bowditch and Sullivan, unbeaten against New
