
Law School Will Rank Only Top 100 Students

The Law School Faculty has decided to cease ranking students whose average is below the cum lauds grade of 72.

Rankings create a distorted picture of the relative merit of students, according to Louis A. Toepfer, vice-Dean of the Law School. Students' grades tend ot cluster, Toepfer explained, and often have to be computed to the second decimal point in order to determine the correct ranking.

However, for the needs of honor societies and tradition, the School will continue to rank students with an average of 72 or higher, Toepfer said. Consequently, only about 100 students in each class will be ranked.

Toepfer also called rumors that Saturday classes will be eliminated at the Law School "nonsense." "We have enough trouble scheduling courses as it is."

Regarding reports that the Sargent buildings will be turned into classrooms. Toepfer remarked, "The Law School has need for more space, but we're not thinking of using the existing Sargent buildings."
