
Dana Reed Prize Goes to Bethell Of Yearbook

Thomas N. Bethell '62 has won the 1960-61 Dana Reed Prize for his article "Marriage at Harvard" in the February, 1961 issue of Cambridge 38, Oliver E. Allen '42, secretary of the Dana Reed Prize Committee, announced yesterday.

Honorable Mention went to Joseph L. Featherstone '62 and Gordon T. Milde '62. Featherstone's entry in the contest was his coverage and criticism of C. P. Snow's Godkin Lectures. Milde won his Honorable Mention for "Virgo Maria," a short story in the Quincy-Holmes Arts Festival Program.

Bethell copped the prize despite the fact that he has not been a registered undergraduate at the College for the entire year. On a year's leave of absence, he wrote the article for publication in the winter issue of Cambridge 38 while enrolled last year.

Allan said that the committee was unaware that Bethell was not registered at Harvard when it made its decision. He maintained, however, that Bethell is not disqualified because he was a student when the piece was written, and he has not yet graduated.

"We must assume that he will return to Harvard," Allan added. Bethel, who is managing editor this year of Cambridge 38, which is published by the Yearbook, is ill with pneumonia and unavailable for comment.
