
12 Faculty Members Win Guggenheims

Twelve Faculty members have received Guggenheim Fellowships "to persons of the highest capacity for and scholarly and scientific research." They are Bernard Budiansky, associate professor of Structural Mechanics; Ben Halpera '33, research associate, Center for Midle Eastern Studies; Nicholae Iliescu, assistant professor of Italian; and Robert B. Loftfield '41, assistant professor of Organic Chemistry.

George W. Mackey, professor of Mathematics; David D. Perkins '51, associate professor of English; Hans J. E. Schmitt, assistant professor of Physics; Edward F. Seckler, associate professor of Architecture; Jabez C. Street, professor of Physics; Jaroslav Vanek, assistant professor of Economics; and Cedric H. Whitman '38, professor of Greek and Latin.


* Owen deLong '61 and Dain A. Trafton '61 have been awarded Danforth Graduate Fellowships for prospective college teachers.

* Penelope C. Kline '62, has won the Pauline Agassix Shaw Prize of $250 for the best essay on the life and work of a great suffrage leader.


* Winners of the Bowdoin Prizes are William V. Nestrick Jr. '61 (first prize, English), Norman R. Grover '62, (second, English); James S. Gordon '62, (third prize, English); Werner L. Gundersheimer 2G (Humanities essay), Standish Meacham, Jr. 4 G (Social Studies essay), George Basalla 5G (Natural Sciences Essay).

David O. Ross, Jr. 1G (Classics essay), Joseph C.P. Cotter 3G and Dorothes M. Schmidt 2G (Classics - honorable mention); Henry P. Gates, Jr. '61 (undergraduate Classics prize).

* Awards for urban research next year to honor the late Samuel Stouffer, professor of Sociology, have been made to two MIT students and two members of the GSAS. The Harvard recipients are Leon H. Mayhew (Social Relations) and Stephan A. Thernstrom (History). The Stouffer Fellows will complete research at the Harvard-MIT Joint Center for Urban Studies
