
Ten Seniors to Teach in Africa Under Three Different Programs

Peace Corps Sponsors One Group

Approximately ten seniors under three different programs will go to Africa to teach and work after graduation, according to Dean Monro.

Probably only one group will work directly under the auspices of the Peace Corps. Here possibly four or five Harvard students will join 20 from other universities at the University of Nigeria in Nsukka.

Assuming junior faculty positions, this group will spend a two year term as instructors and teaching assistants.

Another group has responded to invitations from West Nigeria to teach in grammar schools in the city of Lagos. Independent of the Peace Corps, this program results primarily from a Nigerian recruiting mission which visited the United States last year. Monro estimated that three or four students have definitely decided to participate.

The third program is somewhat more tentative. Harry L. Heintzen, deputy director of the Washington Office of the African-American Institute, has received offers for teachers from the government of Guinea.


Also independent of the Peace Corps, this proposal is a consequence of Heintzen's recent trip to Africa, which he discussed in a lecture while visiting Quincy House early this term. It is yet uncertain how many students will participate.

Another development in proposals for teaching in Africa, Monro said, is the suggestion that Americans not only educate but also help local communities in the construction of schools.
