
Gargoyle Challenges Ibis; Humorists Form Magazine

"We have no objection to the Lampoon," commented an editor of the University's newest publication, "we just feel that Harvard needs a humor magazine."

"We have no comment," said a spokesman for the Lampoon, learning that the Poonies' eighty-five year old monopoly of the College's good humor had been shattered by the formation of Harvard Humour Publications.

"We have named our publication The Gargoyle," said the new organization's provisional president, Alfred L. Goldberg '63, explaining that it was a creature which "looks out on the world below, grins, and occasionally sticks his tongue out."

"We don't believe that there is another humor magazine," replied one Lampoon editor, implying that the whole story, should be disregarded.

"We hope to provide the dense sobriety of the Harvard community with a means of escape," observed Goldberg, noting that there were three 'Cliffles on the Gargoyle staff.


"We are having a cocktail party and dinner tonight," the "Poon spokesman explained.

"We have no aristocratic delusions," said Goldberg, anouncing that the first edition of the Gargoyle would appear next October and be distributed free to all students.

"We deny it," the Lampoon spokesman said, commenting on the rumor that the new magazine would drive the old one out of the field of humor and into the business of women's fashions. He added that the Lampoon edition of Mademoiselle would appear in late June.

"We are not interested in the social backgrounds of our members," Goldberg insisted.

"We are having a cocktail party . . ."

"We think they have a very funny building," said another Gargoyle editor.
