
Debate Over Diplomas Reaches U.N. Halls; English to Remain

Although debated from the City Council to the United Nations, the diploma issue seems closed for the time being.

At the Monday meeting of the Board of Overseers, Ralph J. Bunche, U.N. Undersecretary for Special Political Affairs, told his fellow Overseers that U.N. diplomats in New York had informally discussed the English-Latin controversy. Reportedly, the consensus there supported English.

President Pusey said that attendance at the recent Overseers' meeting was the largest in his memory. Of the 29 members, only Neil H. McElroy '25 and John F. Kennedy '40 were absent.

The Board, like Pusey, reported a heavy mail volume protesting the switch--so heavy, in fact, that the Board "could not ignore the issue" at its meeting.

Won't Sign Private Diplomas


Pusey also announced that University officials will not sign diplomas that seniors might have printed privately.

Members of the Class of '61 may, if they wish, exchange this year's diploma for the "improved" ones next year. The Overseers agreed to retain English, but recommended an improved format.

Meanwhile, President Bunting of Radcliffe reassured the SGA that 'Cliffe diplomas would remain Latin.

The Harvard Alumni Bulletin would have had material for a lively series of news stories had there been a reporter present at the diploma riots. The May 6 issue devoted 22 inches to the history of "Latin at Harvard," then used a two-inch caption to mention a "'spontaneously assembled' group" the first night, which "re-formed Thursday night... and rather more Bursar's cards changed hands."
