
Firm Prints Etchings To Immortalize Riots

An undergraduate greeting card company has put on sale a limited number of etchings commemorating the diploma riots. The etchings, which cover most of a full-size sheet of legal stationary, depict several surrealistic demonstrators.

Avant Gardes--the company issuing the etchings--destroyed the printer's plate after making only 1000 copies in an effort to turn the etchings into "real collectors' items." The students involved in the company estimate that all the cards will be sold by this weekend. Several local bookstores, newsstands, and photographic stores are carrying the prints.

The original for the prints was drawn by George Haling, a graduate student in Fine Arts at Boston University. Dennis L. Milford '63, a Loweb House classics major, supplied a Latin caption engraved in diploma script.
