
Cambridge Council Urges Officials To See Legion Showing of 'Abolition'

The City Council passed without debate yesterday a resolution urging all department heads, city officials, and teaching personnel to attend a seminar on un-American activities and a showing of the film OPERATION ABOLITION sponsored by Cambridge Post 27, American Legion.

The event will take place Thursday, May 4 at American Legion Hall.

Councilor Alfred E. Vellucci introduced both the resolution endorsing the program "exposing communist activities," and a letter from Brandon Powers, past commander of Post 27.

In the letter, filled with capitalized emphasis words, Powers wrote, "Qualified speakers will bring us this very serious message and their talks will be augmented by moving pictures depicting ACTUAL SCENES of subversive activities.'

The film purports to show that riots against the House un-American Activities Committee in San Francisco last May were Communist-inspired.


Powers first cited what he held to be evident facts: "Everyone is aware that the RED TIDE is creeping nearer to our shored with Castro and Khrushchev now and friendly terms. we are also aware, or we should be, that within the border of these UNITED STATES, communist agents roam freely and for and wide with little or no restriction..."

Conquest in Eight years

According to "authoritative sources." Powers went on, the Communists now plan to take "CONTROL OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT" in eight years, whereas they previously had a timetable of 11 years for the conquest.

Powers then discussed the aims of his group. "THE AMERICAN LEGION, an organization composed entirely of honorably discharged veterans, is dedicated to GOD AND COUNTRY. We are therefore greatly disturbed by the RED MENACE and are going to do something about it," he said.

"The picture, named OPERATION ABOLITION, is so-called because the communists would just as soon soft pedal these scenes."
