
Calls U.S. Move In Cuba 'Unpardonable'

All the pious fraud has collapsed," declared H. Stuart Hughes, professor of , last night. "Everyone from the New York Times down has come and admitted the fact of American intervention in Cuba." President he charged, "has made an unpardonable error."

attacked the Administration policy while speaking in a "Report on program last night at the Friends Center of the American Friends Service .

condemned the American people's and civilian administrations' lack of --"turning over decision of power to the military and the CLA"--and show" by the military -- badly managed operation the technical standpoint." He found attitude of the American press its stand in 1954; "I had to read British press to find that the counter-revolution was essentially American venture."

Deplores 'McCarthy Legacy'

President Kennedy hasn't admitted ," continued Hughes, "and until we have to withhold our from him." Earlier he deplored "McCarthy legacy" of not debating great public issues, of "keeping our shut."

He have suffered a grave decay as a ," he declared considering "the and cowardly fashion" in which American press and people have .

made the point that intervention Cuba would have the effect of a conservative dictatorship from the standpoint of the Cuban , would be worse than the Castro . "I suggest that it it crucial that President Kennedy call off all military and quarantine and try to with the admittedly difficult situation ," he concluded.
