
Crimson Nine Opposes Lions

Columbia is favored over the Crimson in baseball today, but coach Norm Shepard's boys should have at least a fighting chance. It all depends on the pitchers.

If Columbia pitches their top southpaw, it could mean rocky going for the Crimson, but reports say he went all the way against Navy yesterday. Harvard batters should fare considerably better against Columbia's number two man. Shepard plans to start Dick Garibaldi on the mound.

Against Columbia's second pitcher, Shepard puts his team's chances at 50-50. "But it's hard to say," he admitted. "Columbia has just about the same team they had last year, and they've been playing some pretty impressive ball."

Garabaldi's control could be a key factor. He pitched well on the spring training trip, but has been a little wild in his recent games. If he goes back to his old form today, it might mean the difference between a win and a loss.

This is a crucial game for the Crimson if they hope to finish the season in a respectable position. Commented team captain Al Martin: "If we win this one, we still have a chance. If we lose, we're in terrible shape."


The team has lost its last two games, but apparently has not become disheartened.
