
Meggis Reviews Athens' Troubles

The period following the Persian war for Athens a time of suppressed and great and bitter decisions," Russell Moiggs, Fellow and of Balliol College, Oxford, last in concluding the second of this Jackson Lectures, he chose to on Athens from about 450-445

this period, Athens chose to take line and keep it. It was their to make no concessions whatever." connection, Meiggs noted the confiscation of the funds of the League. It was "clearly indicated," , that by 447 B.C. Athens had decided to send the money to , and that by 454-453 B.C. the transfer had taken place.

Second indication of Athens' strong-tactics was the issuing of the , which insisted "violently " that Athenian coins, , and measures be used through- Aegean, and gave only Athens the mint silver.
