
Felt Will Resign From H.A.A. Post

Donald M. Felt '49 has resigned as Assistant Director of Athletics, effective June 30. The former rower on the Crimson varsity crew was a member of the Department of Athletics administration for nine years.

Thomas D. Bolles, Director of Athletics and coach of crew when Felt was an undergraduate, said his assistant "has made many contributions to the Harvard Athletic program during his term here."

Felt said that he is leaving with great regret but added "several interesting things have been opening up and I look forward to moving on elsewhere." He is a 1951 Business School graduate.

Speculation has arisen over the causes for Felt's departure, and reported reasons range from alumni pressure to dissatisfaction with his being bypassed when an Acting Director was chosen last term. Dean Watson was named Acting Director for the Fall, in spite of a preliminary but unconfirmed report that Felt would take over during Bolle's leave of absence to the Olympics.

Two years ago Felt assumed operation of HAA finances after the retirement of Carroll F. Getchell, who as Business Manager, had had complete control of budgetary matters.
