
HPPC Arranges Summer Jobs

Several Harvard juniors will be working in Washington this summer as a result of arrangements made by the Harvard Political Participation Council and the Office for Graduate and Career Plans.

Three of the jobs will be trainee positions in the State Department, David A. May '62, president of the HPPC said. The Office for Graduate and Career Plans will accept applications for the positions until Saturday.

Although the Council could not get more Government jobs, May said that several "organizations concerned with legislative activities" have made tentative offers. The Chamber of Commerce will hire three students.

The National Education Council, the Teamsters Union, and the National Committee on Import and Export Policies will have openings for especially qualified applicants.

The HPPC's purpose in obtaining the positions is to influence more students to go into government work, May explained. "Instead of being scared by it, they will see how it works and perhaps come under its spell," he suggested. He hopes that the jobholders' tales of their experience will next year help increase other students' knowledge of Washington.
