
House Drama Club Faces New $10 Nightly Charges For Dining Hall Rehearsal

House drama group is being forced to pay for night rehearsal use of its House dining hall this year for the first time.

The Adams House Drama Society, which is preparing a production of Sophocles Philoctetes, is being charged $10 for each night of rehearsal. Previously, the group has paid only a $27 fee for each night of public performance and an additional $35 for removing and replacing the steam tables in the hall.

The Quincy House Dramatic Club, currently preparing Romeo and Juliet, will use the Quincy dining hall without charge, Mark F. Clark '62, the play producer, reported.

Earle T. Tucker, Director of Dining Halls, yesterday defended the additional rehearsal charge being made to the Adams House group, claiming that it was necessary to pay for lights and utilities. Robert T. Martin, Manager of the Adams House Dining Hall, was unavailable for comment.

Meanwhile, Reuben A. Brower, Master of Adams House, is inquiring into the optional charges.


Clark admitted that the Quincy House club used electricity which was charged from the budget of the House dining hall. P. G. Weissbecker, the manager, has always been "very nice about it," he added.

The new charges will force the Adams group to reduce the number of dress rehearsals, producer Roger '62, stated, but some will be rescheduled for Sunday afternoons. Although the group is not charged for afternoon use of the hall, conflicts with classes and clubs limit the number of such rehearsals.

Strain on Funds

According to Anthony S. Keller '62, the Adams House director, the additional charges will be a serious and unanticipated strain on the group's funds, which are "always hard to come by." In addition, he charged that the additional expenses coupled with competition from the Pudding, "makes it very tough on House drama club."

One night of public performance costs the society about $40, he explained, for use of the dining hall and the services of the Cambridge police.
