
Square Merchants Feature Bargain Prices On Name Brand Records in Discount Sale

Phonograph dealers in the Square greeted returning University students yesterday with savings of up to 45 per cent on record purchases. Prices are so low that, as one saleslady said, "We almost hate to sell records."

Typical prices at Briggs and Briggs included five-dollor records selling for three. The Coop is giving customers a $1.50 discount on regular $4.98 records, slightly less of a bargain. Stereo enthusiasts are having a field day at the Minuteman, where regular five-dollar records are going for $2.73.

Despite the price cuts, spokesmen for the various concerns emphasized that they are not waging a price-war. Liberal counts by leading manufacturers were credited for the savings.

In addition to the manufacturers discount sale, most of the record merchants are featuring reduced prices on limited stock items. Briggs and Briggs has a large selection of one-of-a-kind albums at $1 while the Coop is selling a variety of $4.98 records for $1.98.
