
John Birch

It would be in poor taste to add to the amply violent attack that has been directed against the John Birch Society, But a word does remain to be said in criticism of the attackers.

Those who campaign against Robert Welch and his followers have advocated only one specific measure: a punitive investigation of the John Birch Society as an un-American organization. The way to curb the petty fascist menace, they suggest, is to investigate it.

This view, held by many liberal Congressmen, is misguided. Investigations are properly conducted to gather evidence, not to punish. An investigation by Congress or the Attorney General should not be a Great Crusade. It should, to use a liberal cliche, refrain from "exposure for exposure's sake."

Thus, the proposed investigation of the John Birch Society is bad civil liberties policy. Let there be no such investigation. And, for God's sake let us hear no more of the John Birch Society.
