
Bullitt Criticizes Plan For Standardized Menus

The proposal to use a single menu for the three Houses with independent kitchens next year came under sharp criticism yesterday from John M. Bullitt the Master of Quincy House.

"Stressing that the quality of the food "plays a very important part" in the houses and enhances their intellectual life, Bullitt fears a lowering in the quality of meals served by the three kitchens.

Only if the plan would result in "a substantial saving" would it be at all feasible to try, he said. Bullitt doubts, however, that any money saved by the plan would justify its disadvantages.

According to Carle T. Tucker, director the University Dining Halls, the plan give Adams, Dunster, and Quincy a single menu would "save a great of money." But Tucker stressed the plan's main purpose is to facil- purchasing food for the three .

Would Limit Initiative

Bullitt criticized this aspect of the plan, that it would limit the initiative dining hall directors. "The quality he cooking in the independent dining depends very largely on their ability the menus," he explained.

But the proposal is accepted, Bullitt observed, there will be "no distinction between the Houses' food." Even with the budgets, the directors now man. offer very different meals, he said. further "bureaucratizing" of the halls would restrict the directors' and result in less variety, Bullitt . He felt that "everything that variety to the food here is good."
