
Brown Daily Herald To Publish Column By Police Official

In an effort to improve relations between the Providence police department and Brown University, a police captain will answer questions in a column of the Brown Daily Herald, the undergraduate newspaper.

The Providence Journal quoted Capt. Walter J. Cahill, recently appointed public relations officer for the Providence police, as saying: "If the students know us better, realize that we are simply people doing a job, then there will be better understanding between us."

Relations between Brown students and police were strained two weeks ago when policemen, called to a nearby restaurant about midnight, were the target of jeers and some beer cans tossed by students. Students said that police used foul language and needless roughness in investigating the trouble.

The police captain said that in his question-and-answer column he will try to tell students about the duties and powers of the police. He added that tension between police and students is probably no greater than average for this time of year.
