
Watch Meet On Sanders TV

A crowd of 500 grouped around 14 21- television sets in Sanders Theatre for the closed-circuit TV version the swimming meet. The spectators-- undergraduates--felt the tension excitement of the meet only before during the opening medley relay.

WHRB's Ed Scolnick told everybody out the significance of coach Bill choice for the medley. When revealed he was sending his best Kaufmann, Schellstede, Engelberg, Hunter, the crucial announcement was by groans and scattered hisses.

The only near tragedy of the afternoon after Schellestede pulled ahead in his leg--and one TV set out. More hisses soon brought the picture.

The two-camera coverage brought wide- shots of the action but missed the of an event that network TV Brooks' endless calculations, swimmer Fred Elizalde leading the "Y" shaven in the skull of freshman captain Mike Austin, and disappointment of John Pringle after butterfly.

Scolnick and the Sanders fans were as Brooks continued to change strategy. Commented Scolnick, "Boy we confused," and the crowd agreed. spectators also got a kick out of appraisal of the IAB atmosphere: "If you don't think this crows out of its mind. . . ."

Later the WHRB announcer the IAB fans for booing the diving ("No reason for that at Harvard"), the Sanders viewers hissed Scolnick. added, "The judges' decisions were lousy, though."

If the varsity had beaten Yale for the last time since 1939, perhaps the crowd have ripped Sanders apart. As it everybody walked out and not of the TV sets was kicked in.
