
Bulldog Fencing Team Defeats Varsity, 16-11

The fencing team proved that it too could lose to Yale as the Elis took a 16-11 victory in the IAB Saturday. The Crimson swordsmen ended their season with a 7-6 record, and last place in the Ivy race (1-4)

Only the epee squad came through with an overall victory. Allan Gardner took two of three bouts, Bill Bennett shut out his Eli opponent for three wins, and Pete Piazza lost all his matches in the 5-4 Harvard win.

The usually strong sabre team lost, 5 to 4, as Lajos Heder captured two of three bouts; John Piel one of three; and James Pusey one of two. The Bulldogs routed the foil squad, 7 to 2, with only captain Larry Johnson winning any matches. Nelson and Jai Yuh both lost three of three.
