
M.I.T. Students Riot Against Tuition Rise

Five hundred M.I.T. students converged on the home of President Julius Stratton on Memorial Drive Tuesday night in protest of a $200 increase in tuition.

Unable to constrain the chanting mob of students, M.I.T. campus police finally called the M.D.C. police. The students greeted the arrival of the M.D.C. with cries of "tear gas," but the police refused to give in to the students' demand for martyrdom.

Several students threw stones and fire crackers at the President's home but no damage was reported. The "riot" reached a high point when a large group of students attempted to turn over the automobile of an immobilized reporter. But the demonstration soon degenerated into a large fraternity party. One dormitory on the M.I.T. East Campus served refreshments to both students and police.
