
Taps Sound for Festival

Flutist James A. Ogle '63 warms up in a Quincy House hallway before a concert which, together with talks by John Mikas and Edward Albee, ended the Quincy-Holmes Arts Festival yesterday.

Winners of the competitions in painting and visual arts, photography, short stories, and poetry were, respectively, Steven Lubin '63, Robert E. Fluton III '63, Daniel M. Klein '61, and Robert B. Higgins '62.

David J. Parsons '63 placed second in the painting and visual arts contest, Scott B. Clift '62 finished third. Second place in the photography contest went to George H. Hobson Jr. '61, while Ronald D. Quinn '61 received the third award.

"Seeds II" was Klein's winning entry in the short story division. It was followed by Gordon T. Milde '62's "Virgo Maria" and "The Mystery of Edward Markham" by Raymond M. Ellinwood '61, in that order. Higgins' first place entry in the poetry contest was entitled "Covering." "The Slipping Cycles Soothe the Mortal Fear" by Michael P. Hale '62 received the second prize. "The Death of the God of Moses" by Caria Marceau '63 took third.
