
Report of SCCEP For End of A.P. Draws Criticism

The report opposing sophomore standing issued by the Student Council Committee on Educational Policy has attracted sharp criticism, according to George A. Ranney III '61, chairman of committee.

Although students, rather than Faculty members, have done most of the commenting. Edward T. Wilcox, Director of Advanced Standing, said he was "of course in favor of the sophomore standing program," but looked forward to reading the committee's suggestions.

The committee recommended abolishing the advanced standing despite a poll carrier this year which revealed that nearly 80 per cent of the students currently in the program favor retaining it. Ranney said yesterday he was "more interested in the 20 per cent who expressed doubts." He claimed that advanced standing "is not a question that can be decided by polling alone."

Ranney expects mixed Faculty reaction to the report. He noted that the committee's investigations show science tutors generally favor retaining the program. While many social science and humanities instructors "violently oppose" it.

Released Thursday night, the strongly-worded report attacked Sophomore Standing as merely an "intellectual merit badge" or a way to escape Gen Ed and Physical Training requirements.


The committee will report to the Student Council Monday night. Ranney said he "he could not predict the Council's reaction, "but was hopeful of a 'sympathetic' hearing." Howard J. Phillipe '42. Council president, indicated he was "personal" is favor of the report," but declined to forecast Council sentiment.

The report will be published regardless of the Council's action, although Phillips assumed that approved would "give the proposal added weights with the deans."
