
Supports JFK Plan

will launch an intensive letter writing campaign this afternoon to win support for President Kennedy's latest disarmament proposal. The ould allow Soviet scientists to inspect obsolete United States nuclear weapons. organization is attempting to get University students sympathetic to the write their Congressmen. Tocsin will provide typewriters and information and tomorrow in its offices in the "B" entry basement of Mather Hall. In . Tocsin personnel will be on hand to aid any students who need help with , a spokesman said.

to win the support of students at other colleges, the group has also Tocsin sympathizers on campuses throughout New England.

Russia Calls for Inspection

to Kennedy's proposal, the Soviets would inspect any weapons under the observation of both nations, in an effort to develop adequate devices detection of nuclear tests. Outdated weapons which both nations have had several years would be used.

devices are necessary to insure that secret nuclear tests are not carried a test ban has been worked out. The Soviet Union is insisting on the privilege of inspection, to prevent the United States from secretly exploding an experimental weapon.

Kennedy presented the plan on March 7 to a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. Tocsin first endorsed the idea last December in a "walk" through the Square.

Since the plan would involve revealing classified material to a foreign nation. Congress will probably have to pass a joint resolution. Several Congressmen, however, have taken stands opposed to the measure and no steps have been taken toward its ratification.

Labeling Tocsin's campaign as two-fold in purpose, a spokesman for the group stated that it wants both to win the support of Congress and to provide the Harvard community with "cogent arguments" for the proposal.
