
Goalie Bland Awarded First-String Berth On All-N.E. Team

Robert P. Bland '62, of Winthrop House and Chestnut Hill, recently named All-Ivy goalie, has picked up two more awards in the past two days. Monday Bland was voted the John Tudor Memorial Trophy as the Most Valuable Player of the season, and last night New England Sports-writers and coaches decided to start him on the All-New England first team.

Coach Ralph "Cooney" Welland, whose team piled up an 18-4-2 season, received the Clark Hodder Trophy as New England's "Coach of the Year."

The second All-New England team included two Crimson defensemen, Bob Anderson and Harry Howell. Jim Dwinell, Harvard's leading scoring in the past season, was named a spare on the squad.

Colby placed two starters on the All-New England team, defensemen Donald Young and lineman Ronnie Ryan. Middlebury Phil Latreille and Northeastern's Art Chisholm filled out the line, and Red Martin of Boston College was the other defenseman.

Earlier awards had placed Anderson and Howell on the first All-Ivy sextet with linemen Dwinell, Captain Stew Forbes, and Dave Morse on the second team. Forbes also won Monday the Donald Angier Trophy for the most improved player on the team.
