
Church Schools Should Get Federal Help, Cort Claims

Prochial Schools Seek Loans

Prochial and private schools are entitled to share in any federal aid to , according to John C. Cort '35, who spoke last night before an overflow at the Catholic Student Center. Cort added, however, that he hoped the will not oppose any federal bill to aid education, regardless of its church-connected schools.

maintained, however, that aid to church-connected schools would not with the First Amendment to the Constitution. Supreme Court Justice Hugo , he admitted, spoken of a "high and impregnable wall" which must exist church and state, but, according to Cort, this wall had already been times by contradictory court decisions and commonly accepted practices.

First Amendment prohibition of laws "respecting any establishment of prohibits the establishment of a particular church, Cort explained, not all religious groups impartially.

schools are not really seeking federal aid, he stated, but only low-interest loans. Even if they sought aid, they would only be requesting a return of the money which Catholic parents pay in taxes to support schools their children do not attend.

gave examples, ranging from the of chaplains in the armed forces legislatures to the "eye of God" on the back of the dollar bill, in of his contention that the federal is not required to ignore completely.

University of Virginia, founded as institution by Thomas Jefferson, provision for the erection of chapels that attendance by the service of their particular would be expected, Cort . If this is not inconsistent with , then certainly aid to schools is not, he maintained.


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