



CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT. The Juilliard String Quartet: Robert Mann and Isidore Cohen, violins; Raphael Hillyer, viola: Class Adam, cello. Sanders Theatre: 8:30 P.M. Free tickets may be obtained by writing the Mason Music Foundation, 59 Fayerweather Street, and enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

RADCLIFFE CHORAL SOCIETY, under the direction of Eliot Forbes '40, in a repertoire concert that will include works by Brahms, Schumann, Vaughan Williams, Beveridge and Le Jeune. Paine Hall; 8:30 P.M. Tickets: $1.00; $.50 for undergraduates. At the Coop, Holden Chapel, or at the door.


BOSTON FINE ARTS QUARTET in a program of Haydn and Schubert. Gardner Musenm; 8:00 P.M. Free.


HARVARD GLEE CLUB and the Vassar College Choir will present a concert of sacred music including two motets by Gabrieli and the Mass in a by Anton Bruckner. Emmanuel Church, Boston; 3:00 P.M. Free.

STRING PLAYERS AND SINGERS are invited to sight read Bach's Cantata No. 67 under the direction of Dick McIntosh '61. Holmes Hall; 3:00 P.M.


EARLHAM COLLEGE CONCERT CHOIR, Leonard C. Holvik '40, Director, in a concert of warks by Bach, Brahms, Hindemith and Menotti. Paine Hall; 8:30 P.M.


LOWELL HOUSE OPERA SOCIETY will present RIDERS TO THE SEA by Ralph Vaughan Williams, an adaptation of the one-act play by J.M. Synge. Ronald C. Perera '63 and David S. Cole '63, directors. G.B.S. MAN OF DESTINY will appear on the same program. Dining Hall; 8:30 P.M. Tickets: $3.00, $2.25 and $1.50. At the Coop; reservations may be made by calling KI 7 - 7569. Through Sunday

CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT by the Kirkland House Music Society will include fugues from The Art of the Fugue and other works by J.S. Bach. Soloists: Neal Zaslaw '61, flute; Tison Street, violinist; Joel Sachs '61, planist; and Laurence Lesser '61, cellist. Junior Common Room; 8:30 P.M.


TWENTIETH CENTURY CHAMBER MUSIC. A concert of works by Ives, Ruggles, Schoenberg, Webern, Varese and others. Adam House Junior Common Room; 8:15 P.M. Free
