
Fencers Will Enter Intercollegiate Meet

Harvard's fencing team will enter the Intercollegiate Fencing tournament in New York City tomorrow morning with an unimpressive record of seven wins and six losses, not to mention an even less inspiring single win out of five Ivy League matches.

The foll squad will include captain Larry Johnson, John Nelson, and Jai Yuh, while Allan Gardner, Bill Bennett, and Pete Piazza will fence in the epee division. The sabre squad will consist of Jon Piel, Lajos Heder, and Paul Winig. Both Piel and Heder are strong candidates for all-Ivy honors. Princeton, the only Ivy League team the fencers defeated, shares the bottom spot in the league with them.

The matches, to last all day Friday and end on Saturday, will take place at the Concourse Plaza Hotel in the Bronx. Non-Ivy League schools competing include Rutgers, Navy, New York University and CCNY.

The team's last engagement resulted in a 16-11 loss to the Yale squad. Its last win was a 16-11 non-league victory over the Trinity squad March 1.
