
Ballots Due For H. Alger Awards

Balloting for the Horatio Alger awards rounds the final turn and enters the home stretch next week. The deadline for return of ballots circulated by the Horatio Alger Awards Committee of the American Schools and Colleges Association (a non-profit corporation--Norman Vincent Peale, national chairman) is Friday, March 31.

A letter from the committee advises, " editorial and news story on this subject followed by individual balloting should prove inspirational." The Committee has also published a book called "Opportunity Still Knocks."

Two sure-shot winners on this year's list of those who rose high from humble origins are Walt Disney, "renowned as filmland's greatest success," and Dwight David Eisenhower.

Award Is Inspiration

By this voting, the Committee hopes to "inspire and encourage young people to believe in themselves and the great opportunities which still exist in America."


May 20 is the closing date for applications for the National College Queen Contest. Contestants will be judged on their accomplishments as well as their appearance. One important criterion will be "community service."

Publicity literature emphasizes, "...a girl need not be a 'Marilyn Monroe' nor does she have to be a 'Phi Beta Kappa.' The Board of Judges will seek someone who is a 'happy medium' between these standards."

As if the $5000 in prizes were not enough to attract budding Campus Queens, the contest prospectus also promises, "Each National Finalist, when she appears on television, will be given an opportunity to pay honor to her college and community."
