


One encouraging sign from amidst the disappointment of the varsity basketball ason is the 12-2 record of the freshman team. This is one of the best won-lost percentages for a Yardling quintet in many years, and the hackneyed cry "Wait till next year" is being voiced with enthusiasm by local basketball fans.

At the start of the season, freshman coach Bruce Munro said that the team had individual stars, but would be successful if the squad played together. He was ght on the second count, but not on the first.

As a team, the freshman were very good. The big men under the boards pitched t to trigger fast breaks, the little men handling the ball passed underneath even hen they had long shots, and both set up plays on give-and-go's and screens. They ade the coach look like an expert forecaster.

But when Munro said his team had no individual stars, he was as wrong as he d been right before. It would be difficult to single out any one outstanding player, t three men--Lenny Strauss, Bob Inman, and Sid Davis--stood out all season.

Strauss is a 6 ft., 2 in. forward, and compared with the five boys topping 6 ft., 5 in, the squad, did not seem at first to have much of a chance to play regularly.

Strauss Averages 20 Points

But after two games in which he led the scoring even though he didn't start, rauss was in the line-up for good. Consistently facing opponents three to five ches taller, he still managed to score close to 20 points a game and grab a large are of the rebounds. The big question is whether he will be able to perform such ats against experienced varsity competition.

Inman started in the right corner, but didn't hit his stride till midway in the ason. He has quick moves for a 6 ft., 5 incher, and handles himself well outside under the basket. The third star was captain Sid Davis, a 5 ft., 10 in. guard who es just about everything which budding Bob Cousys dream about. Besides his e outside shooting, Davis is an expert ball-handler, an ability that was noticeable its absence on the varsity this year.

But Strauss, Inman, and Davis are not the only freshmen who could help the varsity next season. Mike Crichton, 6 ft., 8 in., and Frank Martin, 6 ft., 5 in., both ve potential as good pivot men. Crichton started at center this year and Martin s sixth man on the squad. The fifth starter, 6 ft., 1 in. Barry Dym, trailed off in scoring after a good start, but remained a good ball-handler and rebounder. They're always saying, "Walt till next year," but this time it could be true.
