
Science Writer to Receive Nieman

An additional Nieman Fellowship has been specifically created this year to permit a science writer to join other newspapermen for a year of free-lance study at the University.

The award will be named the Arthur D. Little Fellowship, in honor of the founder of the industrial consulting and research firm in Cambridge which bears his name. The Little Foundation has provided full cost of tuition and stipend for three years beginning in September.

According to Louis M. Lyons, Curator of the Nieman Foundation, the University and the Little Foundation will decide whether to renew the program after seeing how effective it is.

Applications will be received from science reporters until April 15. Science writers have frequently been among the Nieman winners--two are at the University this year--and, Lyons said, "the Little Fund allows the Nieman Foundation to add one more scientist."

Outside grants to the University for Nieman Fellows have been made before, one of which is also for a specialist. The Louis Stark Fund has financed a one-year leave of absence for a labor reporter.


The Readers Digest of Canada has agreed to send a Nieman Fellow from the Dominion for the next five years.
