
Pusey States Med Building On Schedule

Financing Remains Important Problem

Construction of the new Medical Center is proceeding on schedule, according to President Pusey. The Health Service part of the building will open as planned next fall.

The entire project, however, will not be completed for several years, Pusey said. The two problems which must be solved are financing the construction and relocating the present occupants of the Holyoke-Dunster block.

"We are impatient to get on and finish the building," Pusey stated. "It will improve the appearance of the Squars." One of the most attractive features of the new building will be "the increase in unencumbered space," Pusey noted. The building will be set back on the Massa-chusetts Ave. side, and will be bounded by a row of trees on Holyoke St.

An arcade of shops will be built down the middle of the H-shaped structure. The building will be constructed around the present Cambridge Trust offices, because the bank has decided not to move its underground vaults.

Pusey said he would like the building to house an alumni activities center on the second floor, facing Massachusetts Ave. The center might include conference rooms, an office of records, and press facilities, he added.


The Administration has not yet found a replacement for Dudley House as a commuter center. One suggestion has been Lehman Hall, but no positive steps have been taken.

Dean Monro denied rumors that the University will do away with the co-operative houses when it establishes a new center for commuters. The co-operatives are a nice thing for us to be trying out," Monro said.
