
Matmen Slip To Tenth in Rounds

The Crimson wrestlers falled to add any points to their earlier total of ten in e final round of the Interiates Saturday and slipped from fifth tenth place in team standings. Lehigh shed first with points in the 15hool tourney.

Bob Kolodney (157), the only Harvard appler to make the semifinals, was deioned by Jim Harrison of Pitt, 6 to 4. olodney and four other varsity wrestlers ere eliminated from the tournament hen they lost their second matches.

Kolodney met his final set-back at the nds of Cornell's Pete Cummings, 5 to 1. ptain Nick Estabrook (127), one of the r who survived the opening bouts but t in the quarter-finals, was defeated by ike Lota of Rutgers, 7 to 8.

Other Crimson matmen were George ub, defeated 2 to 1 by Brown captain ne Bouley in the 130 lb. class; Red ant, decisioned 4 to 0 by 191-lb. Phil eyer of Penn State; and heavyweight m Gaston, who lost a 4-0 bout to Pitt's b Guzik.

The Harvard squad finished fourth ong the Ivies in the tourney. The var-y had a 4-6 overall season's record this ar.
