
Fencers to Challenge Trinity in Meet Today

After Saturday's devastating 23-4 loss to Pennsylvania fencing coach Edo Marion will experiment with his team in today's match as Trinity. The fencers now have a 6-5 record and hope to salvage a winning season, with one other meeting left against Yale in the IAB on Saturday.

Captain Larry Johnson, who normally uses the foil, may fence epee today to bolster the squad. The epee team could tak only one of nine matches against Penn but must come through with several victories today.

Without Johnson the consistently weak foil team seems destined for another shutout. The foilmen lost every bout to end the Penn disaster Saturday.

The Crimson's only hope is with the normally strong sabre squad. Seniors John Piel and Lajos Heder, both all-Ivy candidates, should come through with important wins.
