
300 Will Picket Boston Theatre

In response to a call from student integration leaders in the South, over 300 students, veterans, and labor unionists will demonstrate in Boston Sunday against the segregation practices of southern branches of the ABC-Paramount theatre-chain.

The Lincoln's Birthday demonstration at the Metropolitan Theatre will be part of a nation-wide student protest requested by the Student Non-Violent Co-ordinating Committee in Atlanta, principal co-ordinating unit for southern sit-ins.

The Emergency Public Integration Committee, which is organizing Sunday's demonstration, expects over 300 marchers from the Boston area, according to chairman Harvey Pressman 3G. Pressman said that almost 100 of the demonstrators will come from Harvard, with the Liberal Union and the Lunch Counter Integration Committee participating as individual groups.

Protests to Continue

He stressed that this protest is not a "token demonstration" but will be followed by more protests at local ABC-Paramount theatres.


The new demonstrations are an attempt by student integration leaders to expand their activities, which have heretofore been limited to lunch counter skit-ins. Students at the University of Texas began protesting local segregation at movie theatres early in December, and the movement has spread to campuses all over the South.

Lincoln's Birthday was chosen as a date for mass demonstrations all over the country in order to call attention to the renewed student protests, Pressman said.
