
Phillips Says Council Will Propose Extension of Friday Parietal Hours To Midnight for All Houses, Dorms

The Student Council will launch a determined campaign this Spring to bring about an extension of current parietal hours, Howard J. Phillips '62, Council president, declared last night.

Phillips said he would introduce a motion at next Monday's Council meeting to call for lengthening House parietal hours to 12 p.m. Friday and all vacation nights. He indicated that he would appointed Charles M. Warchol '63 chairman of a special committee to agitate for the changes.

Stating that "men should have a chance to organize their own lives," Phillips noted that the proposed change would be generally the same as that made recently at Yale. "Harvard students are every bit as mature as the Yalies," he asserted.

Request Called 'Conservative'

In addition, Phillips pointed out that longer parietal hours would still be conservative in comparison with some other Ivy League schools such as Dartmouth, which allows very late hours on special occasions.


In his efforts to effect the extension, Warchol said he hopes to work first through the House committees and then through the Deans and Masters. Both he and Phillips believes this procedure has "a fairly good chance of success."

Although the issue is "an age-old question," Warchol commented, "the chances are reasonably good that we can get what we want." Terming the proposals "modest and reasonable," he claimed that past attempts to relax parietal rules have failed because they asked for too much. "I don't believe we should stick our necks out too far," he said.

According to Phillips, the Student Council also intends to support a Freshman Council resolution, passed last Monday, asking that freshman parietal hours be brought into general conformity with the present House rules.

Last year, following an extensive study of the attitudes of students and Masters on Friday night parietals, the Council recommended an 11 o'clock curfew. The proposal was rejected.
