
Hockey Varsity Will Meet Brown; Wrestlers to Challenge Springfield

Fencing Team Faces UConn

Crimson teams will take on other colleges in hockey, fencing, and wrestling today. The key contest will be the hockey varsity's away game against Brown at 8:15 p.m., an Ivy League meeting, which should add one more win to the Crimson's present 3-0 league record.

The wrestling team will face Springfield at 8 p.m. in the LAB, and the fencers will challenge Connecticut this afternoon at 2 p.m. at home.

Fresh from a rousing 3-2 win over Boston University, the hockey team should have little difficulty with Brown. Brown has only three holdovers from last year's third place squad, and the two that are forwards accounted for only eight of their team's 76 goals in the 1959-60 campaign. The other returning letterman is captain Rod McCarry in the goal.

The graduation of numerous regulars has forced Brown to rely heavily on sophomores this winter. George Costigan and Gil Goering, both forwards on last year's Bruin freshman team, will probably form the starting Brown defensive unit tonight; and Greg McLaughlin, Bruce McIntyre, and Ed Ennis make up the Bruin's second line.

Brown Starters


Brown's main hopes for any scoring this evening rest with the starting line of Pete Kennedy, Jack D'Entremont, and Rod Pfeifer. D'Entremont and Pfeifer are the only returning forwards from last year's squad.

The wrestling team is not doing as well as the hockey team this winter, and may well run into considerable trouble against Springfield. The Crimson's overall record so far is only 2 and 4, and the team has lost the lone Ivy match it wrestled, to Columbia last week.

In fencing, the Crimson will attempt to add a fourth win to its present 3-2 record.
