
Thirty Students Follow Nigerian, Leave Lumumba Prayer Meeting

Thirty students walked out of a prayer meeting for Patrice Lumumba at the International Student Center on Monday night.

The students left when George Pattengill, director of the Association, interrupted a Nigerian speaker and asked him to refrain from making politically partisan statements.

Essien U. Essien-Udom, teaching assistant in Government, was speaking about Lumumba's political career. At the interruption, he declared "it is impossible to continue" and left the meeting. Many of the 50 students present followed him.

Pattengill explained yesterday that he intervened because "it is against the policy of the ISA to permit statements that may be detrimental to international understanding."

When five or six students sought permission to hold the meeting, Pattengill agreed, "provided it was not a political occasion." He claimed the students assured him that no politics would be discussed.


Essien-Udom stated, however, that he knew of no such restriction. He also pointed out, "we know of Lumumba only as a political figure and it is impossible to talk of him without referring to his politics." He added that if the Center objected to political statements, it should not have allowed the meeting.

"Pattengill acted in a most arbitrary manner in deciding which statements were partisan and offensive," Essien-Udom charged.

Pattengill hopes the walkout will not strain relations between the students and the Center. "The speakers made an effort to avoid political overtures," he said.
