
No Rank List Changes Planned For Freshmen Taking Seminars

Stookey Restates Decision

Rank list regulations for all freshmen taking seminars for credit will remain as revised late last spring, Byron Stookey, Jr. '54, assistant director of Advanced Standing, said yesterday.

Under a plan approved last year by Dean Monro, Dean von Stade, and the Office of Advanced Standing, any freshman who receives fewer than the normal 81/2 grades for the year must count all his marks towards rank list standing, but the requirements for each group on the list are less strict. Thus, a freshman taking a seminar equivalent to a full-course would need only three A's and a half B to quality for Group I.

Arguments raised recently against the present rank-listing system are a "tempest in a teapot," Stookey declared. He said that there is no real basis for freshmen taking seminars to "feel cheated" because they are not allowed to substitute the General Education Ahf grade for a mark received in another half-course.

Every grade a student receives is recorded on his permanent transcript, Stookey declared, "and it is obvious that anyone interested in the student will give attention to all his grades, not just those counting towards rank list."

Stookey still maintained that the best way to remove the differences between students who can and cannot substitute their Gen Ed Ahf grade for that received in another half-course is to cut out the substitution clause completely and make the Gen Ed mark count towards the rank list for all students.


Harold C. Martin, director of Gen Ed Ahf supports his proposal, Stookey noted. But he emphasized that any plan to change the status of the course must be approved by the Administrative Board.
