
Council Requests Longer Parietals On Friday Night

Despite Administrative reactions that indicate its plan has little chance for approval, the Student Council last night unanimously passed a resolution requesting the extension of parietal hours in the Houses until 12 midnight on Fridays.

A feature of the original proposal by Council President Howard J. Phillips '52, calling for hours to 12 midnight on all holidays, was eliminated from the motion after the members agreed it was an unfeasible request.

At the same time the Council passed a companion resolution asking for extension of parietal hours in freshman dormitories to those presently enjoyed by the Houses. The freshmen are now allowed to have women in their rooms from 4 to 7 p.m. on weekdays, 1 to 8 p.m. on Saturdays, and 1 to 7 p.m. on Sunday.

Deans, Masters Opposed

Deans Monro and Von Stade and most of the House Masters are on record against the plan. Though only one of four bodies that must pass on any change in the present rules, the Masters' wishes are generally followed in such matters.


Both John H. Finley, Jr. '25, Master of Eliot House and Elliott Perkins '23, Master of Lowell House, told the CRIMSON on Feb. 10 that the proposal had very little chance for adoption. In the case of the freshmen. Dean Von Stade performs the function of the Masters, and he has called the plan "unworkable."

The Council also heard a report from Leonard Kopelman '62, business manager of the proposed Student Council Quarterly, indicating that sufficient advertising support should be available to publish an issue of the magazine in the spring.

The purpose of the publication, Phillips said, was to allow for a study in depth of Council activities, and to keep students better informed of its work.
